Northern Cereals - New Markets for a Changing Environment


The project Northern Cereals – New Markets for a Changing Environment (CEREAL) is supported by the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme. Partners come from Iceland, Northern Norway, Faroe Islands, Scotland (Orkney) and Canada (Newfoundland and Labrador). The project objectives are to: (1) Increase the value of products from the cereal value chain and thereby increase the income of farmers and SMEs. (2) Expand cereal production to new locations and thereby increase the number of jobs. (3) Increase cereal utilisation for new products and thereby increase the number of jobs.One of the main challenges addressed by the project is a lack of knowledge about growing and processing cereals under very demanding northern maritime conditions.

The main outputs from the project are increased numbers of farmers growing cereals for feed, malting or milling and the production of higher value cereal products like seed, malt, food and beverages. These changes increase employment, income and consumer choice in rural areas. The main beneficiaries are growers and their local communities, SMEs and consumers. The project started in 2015 and will end in 2018.


Ólafur Reykdal

MATIS - Icelandic Food and Biotech R & D Reykjavik, Iceland

Tel: +354-858-5098

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